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Tree-Lined Driveway Needed Some Housekeeping

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

The road in our little neighborhood is not maintained by the state, and we do not have a lot in the way of local help. We pretty much take care of things on our own. Our driveway is just off of this road, and it is lined with giant trees. When a storm brought done two of them together across our driveway and out into the road, I decided to call a Nassau County tree removal service to get rid of them and look at the rest of the trees.

I did not have a budget for this. Since there was no structural damage to anything, I figured our insurance would not cover a nickel of it. (more…)

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The Future is Better Living in the City

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

My employer hooked me up with because I was going to need a place to live once I moved to Singapore for my job. The move isn’t going to take place right now, but we’re already putting all the pieces of the puzzle together so that when the time comes it will be a smooth transition for me and my family. I actually worried about finding a place to live more than anything else because I’ve heard the horror stories about finding a decent living arrangement in Singapore. It can be a real nightmare if you don’t work at it.

My employer used to put up all his people in a particular building because he got a good deal on it, but the location left a lot to be desired. (more…)

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I No Longer Have Acne Scars

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

When I was younger, I had a war with acne. Though it did win quite a few battles, I ultimately won the war. It took me a while to figure out how to do that though. I stopped getting the outbreaks when I was around 19 years old, but the toll from the years of having it was pretty severe. I had acne scars on my face, and I honestly thought that I was going to be stuck with them forever until I found an aesthetic and laser clinic for Singapore residents.

I had tried various lotions and creams, and I had gone to see a dermatologist too. Nothing that was suggested really worked, and I just accepted that I was going to have the scars for the rest of my life. Thankfully, I did not let it affect me, as I knew that some women who have scars like that have very low self esteem. (more…)

I Feel Safe in My Childhood Home Once Again

Sunday, January 7th, 2018

I loved the city and home that I grew up in so much that I decided to move back there after getting a divorce in my thirties. It was eye opening to see that my old neighborhood had changed so much while I was away. It used to be a somewhat safe neighborhood, but there are a lot of burglaries now. I no longer need to worry about it now that I had ADT in El Paso come to the old home that I grew up in to put in an alarm system. I feel safer now, and a lot of my neighbors have been following suit and having one put into their homes after they learned that I did it.

As a child, my parents knew it was safe to let me go outside to play in the neighborhood on my own. We lived on a street that was quiet and very little happened. Often, my friends and I didn’t even go home until dinner time and the sun was setting. I moved away after college, but my parents kept that home for decades after I left. (more…)

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I Had to Get My Back Fixed

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

The story behind it is really quite a farce and the girl I was dancing with thought it was really funny at first. I had been out drinking and dancing at this really nice club in the old part of the city. I ran into this girl I had gone to school with and she was out with about four or five other girls, they had been drinking pretty hard too. At any rate I ended up going to see a guy that does TCM in Singapore the next morning, this guy did acupuncture on my back. It was really ridiculous. Apparently one of these girls had herself a stalker and it was the one I decided to go after. (more…)

You Can’t Beat Search Engine Optimization

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

After using the services of an seo company in Philippines, I’m amazed at how traditional marketing strategies take a back seat to something like search engine optimization. Back in the old days of brick and mortar stores, all you did to get people in your store was set up shop and wait for the people to start coming in. You probably also would have put ads in the newspaper or flyers around town. That’s all it took, along with word of mouth, to get customers and start making sales. Compared to selling online, that was pretty easy stuff.

Now it’s just a huge mess. No matter what you sell, I guarantee you someone else is selling the same wares online, and they’ve probably been doing it longer and better than you have. (more…)

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I Found the Perfect Condo

Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

I had just about given up on finding a nice condo. It seemed that every single one that I looked at was determined to have more than the last one that was built. I suppose some people want every bell and whistle possible, but I am not one of those types at all. I do want to have some amenities, but I don’t need to be constantly surrounded by things to entertain me. That is why when I looked at the New Futura condo development, I knew within a minute that I wanted to look at more information.

I usually discard new development suggestions by friends because I don’t want to be surrounded by eight pools, three fitness centers, six restaurants, and any other such things. I do want a swimming pool, and I want a place where I can walk my dog. Those are about the only two requirements that I have, and I would be able to have both of those things at New Futura. (more…)

I Am Really Working Hard Now

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

I have been really busy with school and work, the idea is that I want to be able to finish my classes within three years and that is going to mean that I have to buckle down and watch my buckles. My dad says that to be funny, but he is not very good at being funny. At any rate I am living in the basement and not doing much else aside from working at a pizza place and working on my degree. Today I am messing with virtual families 2 cheats because I want to figure out how they work and if they make the people who use them vulnerable to exploits. (more…)

I Had My Tattoo Removed

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Sometimes people will make impulsive decisions that they may come to regret later. I did that when I was out with some friends about two years ago. They convinced me to get a tattoo, and I was in a rebellious mood so I did it. It was not a large tattoo, but it was very prominent because it was on my lower arm. I started wearing long sleeve shirts to cover it up at work which can be hard during the warmer months. When I heard about a medical and aesthetic clinic that actually helps people like me, I was so happy.

I first went to their website because I wanted to learn as much as I could about this clinic. Everything I read pleased me immensely because I finally found the answer to my problem. That is the thing about impulsive choices. (more…)

My Wife Told Me to Get to the Chiropractor or else

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

I could barely walk around the block without having terrible pain in my lower back. I had to do everything a little slower now. I dropped a piece of toast on the floor yesterday morning, and it seemed like it was a mile between where I stood and the surface of the floor. I had to lower myself to a bending position slowly, and I came back up in stages. My wife told me to get to our chiropractor in Santa Barbara that morning or else. I have a boss at work, but my wife is the real boss. I called my work and told them I was going to the doctor. They know my wife and I told them that she said for me to get there this morning. They did not question my decision to call off. As a doctor herself, my wife made proper decisions, and she did not tolerate anyone doing something stupid that was opposite of what made sense and was the proper thing to do. (more…)

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Singapore is an Interesting Place That Has Interesting Ways of Doing Things

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

I was visiting a friend I had made in college in his home country of Singapore. He had started a business and was doing very well. It was my first time visiting Singapore, and I learned a lot of neat things I had never known. The first things is that Singapore is heavily urbanized. So much so that natural spaces are incorporated into the buildings themselves rather than setting aside space outdoors on lots where skyscrapers are being erected. Plus, they still use door to door flyer distribution for advertising.

In the cities you will find a lot of new construction going on for residential, commercial and mixed use properties. The buildings have their spaces sold out before they are even finished being built. Lot space is utilized to the nth degree. Pretty much every residential property will have an amazing swimming pool. Usually more than one. Then they will have natural park-like spaces actually built into the buildings themselves. (more…)

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My Boss Woke Me Up This Morning

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Everyone knows that when the phone rings at three in the morning it is not going to be good news. At any rate I was barely coherent at first, but it was my boss telling me that I needed to help him out because he was in Canada, the other side of it, and his son was in trouble. He needed me to go bail him out and find a drug lawyer in Albany NY. I got out of bed and started trying to figure out what was going on, which did not turn out to be nearly so bad as it seemed at first. For one thing the boy had not personally been caught with anything, he had simply been in the same car as the drugs. (more…)

Taking on Twice As Much

Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

My wife had to get treatment from a Sacramento chiropractor, which meant that I had to take on her responsibilities around the house. She would normally work from home, run errands, take the kids to school and pick them up while I’m at work. Since she was in no condition to do most of this, I had to take the kids to school on my way to work. I ran some of the errands while I was on my break during work, and afterwards on my way home from work. The kids were brought home by one of the neighbors. Once I got home, I would start doing the cooking, or either just pick something up on my way home from work.

Since there wasn’t a lot of time to cook heavy meals after I came home from work, I had to cook some quick meals using simple ingredients. It doesn’t take a lot of time to cut some vegetables for a salad and mix some items together to make a hamburger style pasta dish. Boxed items help out a lot because they include most of the ingredients in them, with the exception of meat. Although my wife is a better cook than I am, I still think I do a pretty good job.

Taking care of my wife’s responsibilities really gave me a new found appreciation for all of the things that she does. It’s not easy to do all of that, and doing it while working a full time job is even harder. All of the single parents who do this every day while sometimes working more than one job must really feel the pressure. I’m lucky to have a wife like mine, although she tells me that she’s the lucky one for having a husband who takes care of her like I do.

I Can’t Wait to Wear a Bikini Now

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

I was honestly considering breast surgery until I found Even though surgery is something that I was not looking forward to, it was still the better option when compared to not doing anything at all. I was tired of being the one who had the smallest breasts of any group of women that I would be with. If I heard one more tell me that I didn’t know how lucky I was to have small breasts, I was going to scream. It might be their dream to have small breasts, but it sure has never been my own.

I wanted to have cleavage. (more…)

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I’m So Lucky to Have Such an Intelligent Daughter

Wednesday, July 19th, 2017

My daughter came to me one day and said that she learned how to hack Instagram password and that she had looked at her father’s account after she learned how to do it. I asked her why, and she sat me down and said that she needed to talk to me about something very important. Then, from across the table, she handed me a pile of printed out private messages. I saw my husband’s name across the top of them, along with the name of someone who seemed to be a female. I had never heard of this woman. I was nervous, but I began to read each of the messages then.

The way the day that I learned that my spouse was cheating on me. I had no idea. (more…)

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I Am Getting Started in Real Estate

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

I got to thinking about this because a friend of mine has an uncle who is in the real estate business and it is a really good way to earn a living if you have some money to start off. Of course he did the shortcut and married the daughter of a guy who had money and was already working in real estate investment. I have been thinking about what you can do if you are really not so lucky, like how to go about starting a property management business. (more…)

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I Added a Chiropractor to My Health Team

Friday, April 21st, 2017

The first time I went to a chiropractor in Redding CA, it was because my back was bothering me. I had tripped down a couple of steps. While I was able to catch myself before I fell, I did twist my back in the process. It was not a major pain, but it was enough that I wanted to make sure I didn’t cause more damage than what I felt. The chiropractor took an X-ray and determined that there were no serious injuries. After a couple of adjustments, all done that week, I felt much better.

That is the entire reason I went to a chiropractor in the first place. It is not the reason that I stayed though. (more…)

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Having a Kid Really Tired My Body out

Friday, April 21st, 2017

When I have my first child I have no idea what kind of things it would do to my body. I was only 24 when I had my child, so you’d think my young body could have put up with anything that pregnancy and then child rearing put me through. But I ached before and after, and it was going on all of the time. I phoned a couple of Peoria chiropractors and learned that they can help busy moms with the aches and pains that come from carrying a heavy baby for so long, as well as lifting and raising a child every day. It was a sweet relief to be able to get back to parenting without so many painful places all over my body.

I worked out regularly, long before I had my daughter. I have always loved sports and everything that comes with that life. Some people focus on just a few things they like, but I tried to do as much as I could. I purposely never played on any school teams because you can typically only focus on one sport if you do that. So, I did things on my own. I went to dance classes. (more…)

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Seeing My Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

Getting a car accident has forced me to change a lot of things in my life. The pain that resulted from being sideswiped in my vehicle has required that I visit a chiropractor regularly. I’m very fortunate that I have found the best chiropractor in Beverly Hills who is assisting me with this course of treatment. I don’t think that I will have to go to the chiropractor for the rest of my life, but I do have a long road of treatment ahead of me. As long as I stick to my treatment schedule and regularly common for visits, I hope to be feeling better soon. Until then, I know I am in good hands.

My chiropractor has been practicing medicine for quite a while now. (more…)

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A Solution to Crushing Hip Pain

Friday, March 10th, 2017

My hip pain, thanks to a Corte Madera chiropractor, is now a thing of the past thanks to deep tissue massages. The pain started in earnest about ten years ago, after I hit the age of sixty, and increased in severity over the next few years to the point where I thought my future would include a wheelchair. The pain was so bad, far worse in the morning after I spent an evening not moving in bed while asleep, and it made walking or standing a near impossibility. At an age where I needed to be as active as possible, I could barely leave the house.

My regular doctor suspected encroaching arthritis and prescribed several different medications to help with the symptoms. (more…)